Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

These Four Things Health Disturb 'Vagina'

The Infinity Universe - Maintain cleanliness of the body, not only covers part of the body that is visible only. However, the intimate parts invisible also need to be kept clean. One of them is the cleanliness and health of Miss V.

If not maintained, some of it can cause health problems in your sex organs. Anything? refer to his review as cited in Boldsky page.


Piercing in the vagina, is the most painful, even when imagined. In addition to providing pain when having sex, piercing in the vital organs can lead to infections that endanger health.

Shaving cream

Maintaining the cleanliness of the vagina, can be done with regular shaving and cleaning. But be careful, especially when using shaving cream. Because the chemicals in shaving cream moisture can damage the sex organs and cause infection.

Tight jeans

Style of dress, can also affect the health of a particular sex organs of women. At least the incoming air and jeans materials, can trigger the growth of bacteria in orgam intimate hygiene and health harm. Therefore, use trousers with the right size for comfortable use and threaten health.


Cycling is one kind of light exercise and fun. However, one of the bad effects can disturb the health of your vagina. Tekananan happens to the sex organs can cause inflammation and sores that lead to infection.

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